Spiderman: Homecoming

I've always been a fan of Marvel comics. I've never enjoyed any superhero better than Spiderman though recently that sort of changed when I read a particular comic that scared me for life. I was at the usual comic book store Id go to and saw that the shop owner was looking angry. I asked him what the problem was. He explained to me that he just got done arguing with his son. Ever since he read this new comic he got, he's made a turn for the worse. He drew pentagrams on the wall. He also has been shouting obscenities like "9/11 was an inside job" or "We shouldve faded them all". I asked him what comic in particular that caused all of this. He showed me what the comic it was which said "Spiderman: Homecoming". I asked him for how much the comic was and he said I could have it as long as he could get it off his hands. I eagerly went home, hopped in bed and read the book. The first page shows and overview of a high school similar to Peter Parkers. It next showed a bathroom where a group of bullies were giving someone a swirly. 
"Enjoy the taste of shit eh Parker?!"
The black haired kid was revealed to be Peter Parker. He looked a bit different than any other version of him. He looked more depressed and angry. More angsty, more edgy. The next page showed him at lunch, by himself. He was gawking at some black girl who was probably mixed (racemixers am I right). She was talking with some friends of hers. Peter was writing something down in "journal". He wrote the following:
"Why me huh?! WHY ME?.Look at all these happy,perfect people with their perfect lives. One day they all shall be eradicated. Extinct. Natural Selection. Peter out!" Next page transitioned to a science class which had their teacher show them a spider in tank as a part of their lesson about poisonous creatures. The table the spider tank was on had broke one of its legs, falling to the ground, breaking the tank.  The spider had survived the fall and moved towards peters desk. It jumped up and bit started attacking him. The next page showed him in a hospital. The perspective was shown as first person but his eyes were closed so you could only see speech bubbles. It was a conversation between peters aunt may and the doctor.
"Whats gonna happen to him doctor?"
"Im afraid that hes not gonna make it, the venom from the bites had done too much damage, it was just too stronk"
"OH NO!"
We see a panel that shows another first person perspective, this time of peters. Regardless of what the 'doctor' said, he made a full recovery from the spider attack, or so it seemed. He had gotten out od the bed, and looked into a mirror. What he saw was horrendous. His face was half furry, half skin, his body had multiple arms, 4 legs. He looked a mutated monster. Peter freaked out, than just sat down and cried. He looked out the window. He than proceeded to jump out of the windows, possibly a suicide attempt. The page after that shows a rainy day in town. A panel showed that peter was hidden in an alley, writing in his journal, he wrote:
"I am not man. Nor am I monster. I am ultimate. The beast incarnate of the truth, I am what lurks. People can reject me for what I truly am, Spiderman. But I cant hide any longer. I must feed, I must destroy, I must kill". The story cuts to a family of three coming out of a movie theater. Peter jumps out of the shadows, and pistol whips the young boys parents. 
"Looks like IM the hero this city deserves, Bruce"
The little boy in shock and confusion cried over his two dead parents.
Another page entails  Peter or Spiderman shooting up a lab and stealing a time machine. He goes back in time to 1940s Germany during WW2. He is seen talking too and making plans during the war with Adolf Hitler before Captain America bursts through the door and starts attacking Hitler. He shouts out "For MmURica" before Spiderman kicks in his balls and hails hydra. Next scene is the worst of them all.
It shows the girl Peter had a crush on from earlier in the story being stalked by Spiderman. She yells back at him saying:
"What do you want from me?!?"
"I want to feed. I want to consume! The prettiest ones taste the most...Fufilling"
Police officers come by to the scene to stop Spiderman. This is what they said to him or it.:
"Look, if you don't stop what you're doing,  we will shoot". Spiderman response. 
"If youre gonna take me out you better be ready to see me in hell."
Spiderman than pulled out a bomb that then detononated and killed everyone. Next page still haunts me to this day. It shows Spiderman, in hell. He was helping satan torture people who were there with them when these last few lines were said:
Satan: Spiderman, your soul and heart are the kind of evil I admire. Just one question i have is..Are you some lizard hybrid or...
Spiderman: Haha...Silly satan. We are the lizards!"